Wednesday, October 8, 2014

The Wedding weekend!!!!!

Lake & Shore campground, NJ

Thursday September 11th, 2014. Today is the 13th anniversary of 9/11. We will NEVER forget the evil that touched all of our lives that day, and we will fight against it forever!!!! 

Today was also a travel day. The trip to Ocean View was a short one. It is only an hour and and a half from Clarksboro. All went well and we arrived safely. We unloaded the Cruiser, and went to look for a spot. They don't assign you one, it is first come first served. We finally found one that will work. There are a lot of trees, so some spots were pretty tight to be able to get into. Eddie also wanted to be able to get satellite. After all, football season has started!!!! Once we made our choice, we got all settled in. The water park is closed, but the pool is open, goody!!!! We wanted to get EVERYTHING done Today because we knew we would not have time later. I wanted to make sure Freeda was good and clean in case we had company. As I was cleaning, I noticed Suzy needed food. I went and grabbed out her bag of dog food, and low and behold there was a "chewed" spot on the bag. That only means one thing-RODENT!!!!!! 
Reader, you are aware of my bridge issue by now. Let me assure you that bridges have NOTHING on my FEAR of RODENTS!!!!!!!! Let me explain. When I was a child, we lived in a little house that was originally a playhouse for the kids that lived in the main house. The playhouse was next to the garage, and the rats must have come from there because it was LOADED with them!!!!!!! My brother, sister and I all slept on a hide-a-bed in the living room. The rats, yes RATS, not mice, would scurry up and down the curtains behind the hide-a-bed. We would tuck the covers over our heads to protect ourselves from them. Ever sense then I have had a HUGE fear and hate of any kind of small creature that is not in a cage. My parents did finally get the issue resolved, but not before the trauma was set in. 
I called Eddie in to share the news of our stowaway. He too is not happy about it. I helped him outside so as not to be inside for awhile. Eddie then pulled out everything in that cabinet. He did not find any other "signs" He did find a "gap" in the back of the shelf that we keep Suzy's things on. He got out some steel wool and filled it in. Then he put everything back. I poured Suzy's food from the bag into a plastic container. I so, SO hope that the creature didn't like the jiggling and has moved on. I also hope the steel wool and repackaging of the dog food will prevent any further issues. Now every little sound has me jumping thinking it might be the beast that has invaded my little home!!!!
To get our minds off of the horrible discovery, we did a dry run to the country club. We are only about fifteen minutes away. That is perfect!!!!
Friday was the wedding rehearsal, and the day everyone else was to make it to the area. Elizabeth and Rob had arrived at Becca and Andrew's Thursday. Becca's friend Emily and her boyfriend, Jeremy, arrived early (like around 2am) Friday morning. Sometime in there, Warren and Susan had also landed. They were all driving to the country club from Becca and Andrew's, and then all are staying in the Shore house. Eddie and I got up and leisurely started our day and got ready. We took off at 2pm. That gave us time to stop at Wawa for a quick nosh, and still have plenty of time to get to the country club. As we were almost there, Becca called. Her and Andrew were about ten minutes out, but everyone else was already inside. We went in and were greeted by Andrew's parents, Pat & Gus. We also met Andrew's best man, John. Eddie and I thanked him VERY much for the tire repair!!! Eddie spotted Elizabeth, Rob, Warren and Susan at the bar, so we went over to them. It is WONDERFUL to see our oldest, and to know that we are all in the same place. The Bride and Groom showed up soon after that. Our little Mario Andriette had been pulled over. She played the bride card and got off with a warning. Well played child!!!! 
Now that everyone was here, it was time to do the rehearsal. We met Reverend Terri who would be doing the service. She is a real nice lady, and very professional. The day was absolutely gorgeous!!!!! We all hoped that tomorrow was going to be as nice. It was sunny, but cool. 

Rev Terri going over things

Eddie, Warren and Susan

John walked Pat and I down the isle first, then Elizabeth, then Becca came out and Eddie escorted her to Warren, who handed her off the Andrew. All timed with her song, "Everything" by Lifehouse. Then Reverend Terri did her thing. When she says "Who gives this woman into matrimony" Eddie, Warren and I all say together "We do" The rehearsal went off without a hitch. We all knew what we had to do. We gathered in the bar while we went over some last minute things and killed some time. Emily and Jeremy were picking up the Shore house key, and that could not be done until 4pm.
being silly!!!!
Warren and daughters

the bride, MOH & Papi

Warren, Susan, Rob and Elizabeth

a happy Papi

my baby girls all grown up!!!!
Everyone started to mosey on over to the shore house. I rode with Becca and we had a nice little chat. Her and Andrew want us to stay in the area longer. They even would like us to stay with them if we can not find a place to park. Both Eddie and I have expressed how much we do want to be here a little longer. Not only to be closer to them, but also to have time to explore. Andrew has found a place that will store Freeda, but we REALLY don't want to do that!!!! I like my little home. I also don't want any further rodent issues. Putting Freeda in storage may only make that worse. It is a big decision, and one that can not be made quickly. Emily and Jeremy were already at the house when Becca and I got there. Emily and Jeremy then took off to do the grocery shopping. The plan is to have a BBQ. Slowly people started to arrive and claim their rooms. 
The house is HUGE!!!! On the main level is three bedrooms, a bathroom, laundry room, living room and a bar area. There is also a deck then yard. Off the yard is the steps that lead to the boat slip (yes there was a boat, but it is hands off) and stairs to get into the water. The main level has two more bedrooms (that Warren and Elizabeth grabbed) a kitchen, dining room, bathroom, huge living room, screened porch, another deck and a spiral staircase. That stair case leads to the third floor that is the master suite. Up there is a sitting room, master bed room and a large master bath. With all of the beds, futon's and pull outs, you could sleep 20 people easily. As it was, there were 12 people that were going to sleep there. Becca's friends, Melissa & Jenn were going to arrive Saturday with their men folk. 
All pitched in to open up and get luggage into the right rooms. Elizabeth and I made up her and Rob's bed, then did the bed for the bride and groom. The house did not provide linens. We then enjoyed the spectacular views.
view from second/main level

second level deck

perfect day

main level living room

Rob and Elizabeth on main level deck

Andrew's parents arrived with two out of three of Pat's sisters, plus their hubby's. Pat and Gus's kids Jenna and Chris were also with them. We got to visit and get to know the new in laws. Becca is marrying into a lovely family!!! Elizabeth called me in the house. Dana, Robs best friend, and Elizabeth's old room mate was there!!!!! He now lives in Pennsylvania, and came out to see everyone. It was nice to see him.
The bride & groom his folks, aunts & uncles

Aunt Cathy, Andrew, mom Pat & aunt Dottie
When the food got back, again everyone pitched in to unload and get the BBQ going. Rob barbecued hotdogs and hamburgers. There were also lots of sides and snacks. Plenty of food for the gang. We all had a great time, and felt like we have been family forever. 
Rob, the chef
Eddie and I hung around long after Pat, Gus and their group left. We wanted to spend as much time with everyone as we could. The sun was setting, and it was a beautiful end to a beautiful day.

setting sun

words can not describe!!!!
Saturday, the 13th of September 2014. This is a happy, HAPPY day!!!!! Our Becca is getting married. Andrew Thomas is a wonderful young man who we will be entrusting our baby girls heart too. We both think he is up to the task. The day started out a bit overcast. All of us were praying and keeping our fingers crossed that the clouds would blow over and burn off. Eddie and I gathered up our things and headed to the Shore house. Elizabeth had breakfast on the table. There was scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, toast, juice and other goodies all laid out. It was YUMMY!!! Eddie and Andrew went to run some errands. Linda, the hair and makeup lady arrived to do Elizabeth's hair, and Becca's hair and makeup. 
Linda making Elizabeth all pretty

silly Wiggie

Warren and Susan totally jumped in and cleaned up from breakfast while the maid of honor and bride were being made up. I thought that was really awesome of them!!!!
little elves at work

cleaning up
At this point, we decided that Andrew was not allowed to see Becca until she came down the aisle. So Eddie was keeping Andrew busy, and Linda beautified Becca. That wasn't a difficult job as Becca is already extremely beautiful!!!! 
my baby girl, the BRIDE!!!!

Linda doing her thing

Linda, Becca and a finished Elizabeth

now the makeup

curlie girlies!!!

Becca's friend Melissa and her boyfriend Brent arrived. Not to long after that, Becca's other friends Jenn and Colin got there. They are all going to be staying at the shore house. It started to mist a bit outside, but we were all STILL holding out for clear skies.
weather is looking iffy!!!!
When Linda was done, Becca, Elizabeth and I started to get things ready to head to the country club where we would all be getting dressed. About then, Andrew and Eddie got back. So we hide the bride while Andrew went upstairs. Then us three girls headed out. It was a special moment for this mommy. The drive to Avalon country club wasn't very long, but it was just me and my girls together in this moment on this special day. I am SO blessed to have two of the most wonderful daughters EVER. The three of us have been through some tough times, but also through some absolutely awesome times. This was one of the latter!!!!! 
As we were driving, it started to rain. The closer we got to Avalon, the harder it was raining. Thank goodness both girls had umbrella's, and I was wearing a hoodie. We grabbed everything and hurried in. Before reaching the dressing room, we were met by Dawn, the events coordinator, and the photographer. Becca briefly chatted with them, then turned to Elizabeth and I and said "I have a surprise for you" Elizabeth and I looked towards where Becca was looking and I saw this tall, handsome young man standing there. I yelled "Buttercup" and both Elizabeth and I ran and hugged him with tears running down our faces. Buttercup is a silly nickname I gave to Michael Brownie. Michael and the girls went to High school together. His family used to be our neighbors years ago in Point Roberts. At one time, Michael and I were co-workers, that is when he got the name Buttercup. I don't remember how, he just did. Michael is one of the sweetest, kindest most adorable person I know. Years back, he moved to Delaware. Neither Elizabeth or I had ANY idea he would be there!!!!!! We were THRILLED!!!!!!! It was a GREAT surprise!!!!!! 
Elizabeth and I "attacking" Michael

so, SO happy to see our Buttercup!!!!

such joy!!!!
After Elizabeth and I composed ourselves, we told Michael we would talk more later, we had to go get ready. To my delight, Becca informed me that Michael would be sitting next to me durning the reception!!! The three of us floated to the dressing room on the joy and happiness that was getting deeper and deeper. Reverend Terri met us there and we all agreed that the wedding ceremony would have to be moved indoors. The rain was really coming down. She was going to go scope out the Tea room where the reception was going to be to see how it would all work. 
In the dressing room, Elizabeth presented Becca with her something old, something new, something borrowed and something blue. It was a truly special moment between the sisters!!!!!! All three of us shed some more tears. Thank heavens for the big box of tissues in the dressing room. 

Elizabeth Surprising Becca with her "Bride" gifts

something old, something new, something borrowed & something blue

Maid of honor, Mommy & Bride
 Once we all had hugged for the millionth time, Becca was ready to get into her wedding dress. Her girlfriends had all joined us, and all of the girls shared a "shot"
Emily, Jenn, the Bride & MOH

taking their shot

bottoms up!!!
The finishing touch was the "Bird cage" What can I say, Becca is one heck of a beautiful bride, and Elizabeth is one heck of a beautiful maid of honor!!!!
sexy bride Becca


Dawn and Reverend Terri came in to go over the new plan with us. It was all going to work out just fine. Yes, it was going to be indoors now, but it would be good. Instead of Eddie handing Becca off to Warren, both of her Dads would walk her in together. We all thought that was really going to be awesome!!!! John would still walk Pat and I in, then Elizabeth, then Becca and her Dads. Now that the plan was set, and the bride was ready, it was GO time!!!! 
Dawn got the guest all seated, and the groom in place. I was standing just outside the Tea room with Eddie, Warren, Susan, Pat and John. I looked over at Warren. I thought that together we had certainly made some mistakes, but we also made our two sweet children. For that, I will forever be thankful for him!!!! He looked like he was going to lose it. I asked if he was okay, and he shook his head "no". I gave him a big hug, and a tissue. I offered one to Eddie, but he was hanging tough. It was a big and emotional moment for these two Daddy's!!! 
The music started, and John escorted Pat and I in. I think it was good thing I had someone to hang onto. I was a bit nervous myself!!!! John walked us mommies proudly. As John took his place next to Andrew, Pat took her seat, and I stood off to the left.
John and the proud mommies
As I was standing at my place, I had a good vantage point to see everything. Warren and Eddie stepped in the door, at the perfect moment in the song (again it was "Everything" by Lifehouse) Becca stepped in, linked her arms with her dads, and walked towards her groom. She was drop dead gorgeous!!!! 
Eddie, Becca & Warren

As soon as Andrew saw her, he choked up. The look of love on his face was overwhelming!!!!! You could so see just how much he loves my child, and how beautiful she is to him. 
A very choked up Groom seeing his Bride walking down the isle towards him
I had to get out my tissue. By the time Eddie was next to me, he also needed one. I do not think there was a dry eye in the place. That room was filled with SO much love!!!!!! Everyone felt it, and everyone was touched by it. 
When asked "who gives this woman into marriage", Warren, Eddie and I all said together, "we do" then we all sat at our places. 
tying the knot
first kiss as husband & wife
The ceremony was the best. Reverend Terri is GOOD!!! There were laughs, and sniffles all around.
Becca and Andrew had their first dance to "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri. It was very sweet. They called the rest of us up to join them. After the new couple's dance, Becca had bride and Daddy dances with Warren, and then Eddie. More wonderful memories made.
The newlyweds and maid of honor Elizabeth

We all enjoyed a VERY yummy dinner. There was Prime Rib, Chicken, Salmon with dill sauce, and super tasty sides. I went for the chicken, and got a small piece of salmon. I am normally a HUGE chicken lover, but I tell you, that salmon out did the chicken hands down!!!! Best doggone salmon EVER!!!! After dinner, we danced some more, and then it was cake cutting time. My precious baby girl absolutely SMASHED the cake in poor Andrews face!!!!!
cake and candy bar

So sweet now, but just you wait!!!
After being attacked by his new bride

ummmm, was he in Braveheart????

Elizabeth, Michael (AKA Buttercup) and Becca
Mr and Mrs Thomas

Brent & Melissa

dancing away

Andrew's folks, Pat & Gus

Chris & Jenna
proud papa's!!!!!
Michael & Elizabeth




Becca & her girls
The rest of the evening was a BLAST!!!! Even though the original plan was rained out, Becca and Andrews wedding was a HUGE success and everyone had such a wonderful time.
Things started to wrap up about 10ish. We hugged our friends that were heading home, and said goodbye. Then Eddie and I went back to Freeda. We were exhausted and happy. One of our BEST DAYS EVER!!!!!!

Sunday morning we were at the Shore house by 10:30 am. A lot of people were still asleep. Apparently the party had kept going!!! Becca and Andrew were up. They had a flight to catch to Miami, and then a boat to get onto for their honeymoon. Elizabeth was also up, and again had made breakfast. We got to see the Bride and Groom off. Slowly everyone else went on their way. It was so nice to have our family all together like that. I hope we will be able to do it more often. 
The weather was beautiful. The sun was out, but it wasn't to hot at all. Friday and Sunday were both beautiful, why couldn't Saturday have been that way???? When we got home, I cleaned up both inside and outside. Then I sat outside and spoke to my daddy and then to Dana on the phone. It was good to visit and catch up with both of them. This had been the perfect weekend, and I wanted to share that. We are SO happy!!!!
This is where I am going to close for now. I am VERY behind, but a lot has been going on. That is for the next post.
Stay gold!!!!
Love, Eddie, Darlanne & Suzy.


  1. What a wonderful story of the Wedding. Your writing made me feel like I was there. I even got teary!

    1. Awwwww, thank you Jackie! That was sweet. I am glad you enjoyed it. It was a highlight of our lives.
