Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Ohio, part two

Ohio, part two!!
Wednesday July 9th Eddie made us a nice breakfast outside. The night before it was a bit muggy, so we had the A/C on, but by the morning, it was nice outside with a cool breeze. Just the way I like it!!! We loaded up Suzy, put the top down and went for a cruise. We wanted to go down the road we had spotted the Amish buggy on. It turned out to be another dirt road, but that was okay. At least it was just the Cruiser and not Freeda. 
Another dirt road adventure

So pretty here
This road was narrower than the one going into Rocky Fork. We went through woods, then it opened up to farms. I was surprised at how fast other drivers went down this road. We were being careful as to not kick up to much dust, but the other drivers didn't seem to care. Once it opened up, we saw lots of farm houses. I kept my eyes open for Amish. We didn't see any, but we did pass by one farmhouse that had a buggy parked outside. That gave me a thrill!!!!

Ohio farm land

Mister scarecrow
Amish buggy!!!!
We ended up meeting the dirt road we had taken into Rocky Fork on the other side of the lake. So we kinda drove in a big circle.
Part of Rocky fork lake
Seeing as how we were by the archery range, we stopped by to see if we could find any of our lost arrows. We did find one of Eddie's, but none of mine, BUMMER!!! Back at Freeda, we dropped Suzy off, loaded up the computers, and walked over to the clubhouse. We checked emails, and I worked on the blog for a bit. When done, we went home and had a "leftovers" dinner and watched a movie until time for bed.
July 10th was laundry day. With no sewer hookup, we had to use the laundry room at the camp ground. Eddie took it up there and it was done pretty fast due to there being three machines and dryers. We went to the clubhouse and hung out until dinner time. We ate in and then relaxed the rest of the evening.
July 11th Eddie went into Cambridge to do some food shopping. He snapped some pictures of the little town while he was there.
Cambridge Ohio

Clock tower in Cambridge, Ohio

I took advantage of him not being there to scrub Freeda down good. For such a small place, it sure can get messy!!!! I also cleaned and straightened up the outside. I felt very good after I was done. I do like a clean house!!!! When Eddie got home we unloaded and put away the groceries. By then it was time to meet for archery. It was HOT at the archery range!!! I forgot my water and regretted that a LOT. It was still a lot of fun. We found some of my arrows, then I lost one. I am now down four arrows, and one is broken. 
On our way back to Freeda after archery, we stopped by the Captain's club. There is a low spot on our site right in front that we keep tripping in. We wanted to know if they had some gravel to level it out. They said that they would send maintenance up to check it out. By the time we got back, they were there. They put some gravel down and now our site is much more level. Later that evening, Rhonda, Titus, Brittany and Bryce came by. They're back!!!!!! We were extremely happy to see them. They are staying at one of the cabins with Theresa and Abe. We were invited up after dinner to visit and play games. Eddie got the barbecue started and we had burgers for dinner. Our neighbor down from us is a fellow named Mike Crawford. He was there all by himself, so we invited him to join us. We had a lovely dinner and chat with Mike. We then headed up to the cabin to see the Schlabach/Zimmerman clan. I took Mexican train and Parcheesi with us. The kids played Parcheesi, while the adults played Mexican train. The cabin is really nice. There is a loft with two beds, and a master bedroom that looks very comfy. There is a fireplace for when it is cold, and the kitchen is top notch. The cabin is gorgeous. We had an absolute BLAST with them!!!! We didn't get back to our place until almost 2am!!! We visited, told stories and laughed. It was a great night!!!
Rhonda, Titus, Abe and Theresa

The gang playing Mexican train

When we got back to our site, we had planed on doing the dinner dishes outside, but it was so late we thought they could wait until morning. As we were getting ready for bed, we heard a clatter. Eddie went outside and sure enough our dishes were on the ground!!! Seems a raccoon thought our dirty dishes smelled good. Teaches us right to not leave them outside. Eddie brought them in, and luckily nothing was broken.
Saturday I went to the outdoor pool to meet up with everyone and enjoy some sun. There was a rodeo going on and I thought it was going to be crazy busy and full, but it wasn't. I enjoyed the cool water and got some sun on my white bones. Rhonda came by a little later. They had rented a golf cart and were cruising around. They all joined me at the pool and we swam for a bit.
Me, Rhonda, Bryce & Brittany
 Rhonda and I took off for a ride in the golf cart. It was fun. I really enjoyed that. We stopped by and got some homemade goodies from Lecci the Amish gal. By the time we got back to the pool it was 4ish, and we had all had our share of sun. We were invited to the cabin for dinner. A friend of Rhonda's loved her pet portrait rock so much, that she asked Eddie to do one for her. He got started on that, and then we headed back up the hill to the cabin for dinner. On the way, we saw Lecci and another buggy going down the road. It was so cool. I just love the clippity cloppity sound of the horses hoofs.
slow moving vehicle

not one, but two wagons

So cool!!!!
At the cabin there were hot dogs, hamburgers, macaroni salad, watermelon and strawberries. All of it YUMMY!!!! 
Yum, dinner

Cindy and Myron Raber also joined us. They are the Amish couple we had met last weekend. Cindy is a real sweetie and Myron has a wicked sense of humor. They are both really nice and fun folks. We were having such a great time, that I didn't want to leave, but Eddie wanted to work on the pet portrait rock. So Rhonda said she would give him a ride to our site in the golf cart. I asked to go along. Rhonda also said to Cindy and Theresa to come along. So it was Rhonda and I in front, Cindy and Eddie on the back seat, and Theresa on their laps holding on for dear life. Instead of "Mister Toads wild ride" (for you who don't know, that is as crazy ride at Disneyland) it was "Mrs Rhonda's hang on for your life wild ride!!!" The scene of us must have been hilarious!!!! The ride was insane, but also the most fun. We laughed our tushes off.
Cindy, Theresa & Eddie

HANG ON!!!!!

Me and Rhonda getting ready to go

Going down hill was no problem, but poor Ethel (that is what Rhonda named the golf cart) just putt putted up the hills. I can understand why with all of that humanity on her!!!! I thought we were going to pee our pants we laughed so hard and so much. Despite the odds, we made it to our site safely and dropped Eddie off. No one fell off, but it was touch and go there for a bit!!!! The ride was more comfortable for Cindy and Theresa after we deposited Eddie at Freeda. But it wasn't over. Rhonda wanted to tour the camp ground and show Cindy some of the sights. It was such a fun time. All three of those women have the best sense's of humor and are all SO much fun, I didn't want it to end. I showed them the lookout and we chatted with Jody the security lady for a couple of minutes. But it was getting dark, so we went back to the cabin. I stayed and visited until about 11ish. Eddie had waited up for me and was almost finished with the rock. It had been such a long day, but it was also a REALLY fun and good day!!!!!! Another great day with even greater friends!!!!!
Sunday morning Bryce got dropped off with us to go shooting. Eddie didn't go, he wanted to finish the rock. This time I made sure to take my chair and water!!!! On the way to the range, we saw Cindy and Myron. They were also going to the archery range. Abe met us there. There was a pretty good group there. One little guy, Dillon, was only 6 or 7, but already was pretty good. I let his dad shoot my bow. The dad wants to get one of his own to be able to share in the sport with his son. I liked that. Dillon didn't have a glove, and we had a small one that we don't use, so I gave it to him. He seemed pretty jazzed about that. I hope he keeps up with it, archery is so much fun. Bryce really enjoys it. He is saving up to get his own equipment. His shooting has gotten better and better. We even found more of my arrows. So I am down only 2 arrows now. Much better!!!!!
Bryce selecting his bow, and Bri the instructor

Bryce shooting
When we were done at the archery range, we met up with Rhonda, Titus, Brittany and the Rabers at the Rocky Fork store.

Macy, Titus, Bryce, Abe, Brittany, Rhonda, Cindy & Myron

We are going to miss these guys!!!!! We well be forever thankful for the new and awesome friends we made here!!!! We all jumped in cars and caravaned up the hill to our site. Eddie was done with the rock. It came out GREAT.
Pet portrait rock for Mindy (Rhonda's friend)

They got the rock, and we said our good byes. That is for now, because we know we will see them again one day!!!!! People like them are the ones you make sure to keep in your life. We are truly blessed to have the friends we have, and now to have met and have new ones fills our hearts with such joy!!!!! Thank you Schlabach family for the fun, friendship and laughs!!!

Our neighbor Mike saw Eddie doing the pet rock and really liked it. He has a friend that just lost his little dog less than a week ago, so he asked Eddie to do one for him. No problem!!! Mike's wife emailed a picture of the friends two dogs and Eddie got it done in a flash.
another awesome pet rock

 Mike liked the pet rock so much, he asked Eddie if he would do a pencil drawing of his campsite. All of these little rock and pencil drawings gave us some pocket money. 
Eddie drawing Mike's campsite
Monday July 14th we decided to go for a drive. We went by the cabin to see Abe and Theresa, but they weren't there. 
Abe and Theresa's cabin

Mike had told us if we go a bit down Broadhead road, we would see several Amish homes and farms. We weren't disappointed. I saw an Amish father and his little son working out in a field. We also saw an Amish man doing wood work in a shop. Out of respect, we didn't take their picture. The picture I have with Cindy and Myron was okayed by them BEFORE I took it. I have the utmost respect for their beliefs, and neither Eddie nor I want to be disrespectful. It was a beautiful day. Earlier it had been stormy and raining, but it turned out to be very nice out. 

Ohio farm

Amish farm house

So awesome!!!

Bird house

More bird houses
I just love the birdhouses. They are pretty big, and look as though they can house a lot of birds. We saw a sign that said "Miller Farm" and I think that is where Lecci and Anna live. I noticed the label on the goodies I had bought said "Miller Farm" on them.

Just as we got home, Abe and Theresa pulled up in a golf cart. They had decided to rent one. Durning the week you get a free day. Still to expensive for us!!!! Theresa went over to Mike's to check out the drawing Eddie did for him. She loved it so much, she asked Eddie to do one for her. The subject she choose was the golf cart ride with Rhonda and us all piled in. That was defiantly one of the high lights of the weekend!!!! 
Golf cart ride sketch

On the way to take the sketch to Theresa and Abe, we saw an Amish buggy at the bottom of the hill. There was also an Amish man and little boy there, but again we did not take a picture of them, just the buggy.
Horse and buggy

Theresa LOVED the drawing!!!!! She cracked up at all the little details Eddie put on it. She plans on making a couple of copies and giving one to Rhonda and one to Cindy as a reminder of our fun and wild ride. Theresa and Abe said they would come by in the morning before we left to say goodbye. After chatting with them for a bit, we headed back down the hill and home to our Suzy and Freeda. Eddie brought in the awnings and started to pack up the outside stuff. 
Abe and Theresa

Mike and Eddie
Mike invited us over to enjoy his fire and we had hot dogs and roasted some marshmallows. Ohio folk sure are nice!!! To think, Ohio was a stop only because it was the camp ground in our system that was between Indiana and Gettysburg!!!!! So an afterthought became one of our favorite places, and where we met some of the best people EVER!!!!!!!

Tuesday July 15 was a travel day. Most of the packing up was done, but there was still a bit to do. About 10ish, Abe and Theresa came by. They got to see us in "travel mode" Theresa thought we still have a good amount of room to move around in even with the slides in. That is one of the things I like about Freeda. After Eddie pulled Freeda out, Abe and our neighbor above us helped push the dolly to Freeda. It was a bit of an incline, so the help was appreciated!!!!! Eddie got it hooked up in no time. While he went to dump the tanks, I drove down the hill following Abe and Theresa in their golf cart. We waited for Eddie, and when he got there, loaded up the cruiser. We said our final goodbye's to Abe and Theresa. I was a good girl and didn't get emotional at any of the goodbyes, but it was hard!!!! We were on the road by about 10:30. 
We were cruising along and almost to the West Virginia state line. I was singing "Country Roads" when we heard a loud POP!!!! I said "what was that" but I KNEW a tire had blown. Eddie got us pulled over safely, but we were just coming down a hill and the cars and trucks were FLYING by us. It made the whole rig sway back and forth. We donned our safety vest, something Eddie insist on, and went out to investigate. I was hoping it would be the dolly or Cruiser, but no!!! Our inside, drivers side rear tire was flat!!!! CRAP!!!!!! I went in and called Geico ASAP. They dispatched a State Trooper and tow truck. The trooper was officer Paine, and a real nice man. He got there first, and waited until the tow truck got there.
Officer Paine and Eddie

Eddie on the side of the highway

Officer Paine told us we were about two miles from the State line and Ohio River. As soon as Richard, the tow truck driver got there, and had his lights on, Officer Paine left. Richard was worried that he may have to leave and get better tools, but my honey bunch being the tool man he is had everything Richard needed. Eddie used our leveling jacks to raise Freeda up enough for Richard to crawl under and change our tire. The spare was muddy from our dirt road trek, so Eddie used a wire brush and cleaned it up. From the time of the blow out, to being back on the road was about two hours. Not bad at all!!!! Geico REALLY came through AGAIN!!!!

Richard, our tow truck driver and hero

Richard assessing the situation

our owie boo boo tire!!!!

After our little adventure and excitement, we were up and running. True to his word, just a bit later like Officer Paine said, we crossed the Ohio River and were in West Virginia.
bridge over the Ohio River

crossing the Ohio River

Ohio River thru the screened window

West Virginia!!!!!

We drove to Morgantown, WV and pulled into the Walmart, our home for the night. There was a Mexican restaurant just across the parking lot, so we went over there for dinner. It wasn't bad. We had a nice meal and then walked back to our little home. 
Morgantown, WV Walmart parking lot
Mariachi Loco

Eddie went into Walmart to pick up a couple of things and to get permission from the manager to stay the night. I had called ahead to make sure it was okay, but we like to speak to someone as well. It was pretty warm out, but we only had a quarter tank, so no running the geni. When Eddie got back, we settled in for the night.

July 16th. HAPPY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY HONEYBUNCH!!!!! We got up kinda early because neither one of us slept very good. Between the heat and the noise of the trucks all night, no one was sleeping!!!! After showering and dressing, we headed out. We went down the road and gassed up. The drive was VERY pretty. Because we were avoiding toll roads, we drove a bit in Maryland, then into Pennsylvania.
driving thru the Appalachian mountain range

Beautiful drive

Appalachian mountains


More mountains

We went up, then we went down, then we went up again!!!! We stopped at a rest stop to stretch our legs and to just take a break.
bridge over highway at rest stop

Vietnam memorial at rest stop

view from bridge at rest stop
 There was a walkway over the highway that lead to a Vietnam Memorial on the other side, but it was closed.
view from bridge at rest stop

Eddie's birthday cake
Eddie had picked up a little cake from Walmart the day before, so we took some pictures and I sang happy birthday to him. He got the number 1 because he said to ignore the number in front of it!!!!! After a brief rest, we were on the road again. Both of us were anxious to get to Gettysburg. We finally arrived at Gettysburg Battlefield Resort. This place is AMAZING!!! Already we were excited to explore here. We got checked in, and again NO SEWER!!! They do have "honey bucket" service, so we signed up for that. I made sure that when we come back here, we WILL have full hook ups!!!! After we got all set up and settled in, we took a quick drive around. We gassed up the Cruiser and got a bite to eat. We met our CG neighbor Doug and his wife Paula. They have a Boston Terrier named Camper who Suzy already wants to play with. Gettysburg is going to be GREAT!!!!!
This is a good place to stop and post. Already we have TONS of Gettysburg pictures, so stayed tuned for that!!!!! Please be safe and happy always!!!!
Love and best wishes to one and all, Eddie, Darlanne & Suzy.

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