Sunday, June 8, 2014

Elizabeth & Indiana

Elizabeth & Indiana
Arriving in Indiana
June 1st and FINALLY in Indiana!!!! We had stopped in Brazil, IN at a truck stop for the night. We had parked along side a curb by a nice grassy area. It was hot, so we had the geni and A/C on. Just after 11 pm, our Carbon Monoxide alarm went off!!!! What the heck!!!! We were not close to any trucks, so we REALLY didn't know why it was going off. Eddie felt rested enough to go on down the road to a rest stop we had seen a sign for. I didn't. I had not felt well all day. But better safe than sorry, so we headed out. About 20 minutes later I asked Eddie if he secured the bedroom TV. He had not. He decided to pull off to take care of that. We saw a nice spot in an Arby's parking lot. After he secured the T.V. I asked him if he thought we should ask the Arby's manager about staying there. She said we could. I was very happy to hear that. We settled down for the night. This time with no A/C on, just to be on the safe side. It was a LONG night. Very noisy. Neither one of us got much sleep.
Eddie woke up early, and after quick showers we were back on the road. We got thru Indianapolis pretty smoothly. After all it was on a Sunday morning. There was a lot of road work going on, and it was bumpy. Thank heavens we didn't also have to deal with machines and workers. We arrived at S&H campground just after 8 am. Good thing they were okay with us checking in early!!!! The owner, Jay, escorted us to our site. Eddie was glad to be up at the top so as to have satellite reception. We got all parked and set up. It is a nice big spot and fits the dolly nicely. I called Elizabeth to let her know we were here and set up. She said she would come out and see us, YIPPEE!!!!
Eddie and I were THRILLED to see her!!!!!! She brought us our packages from HSN and Camping World. We got a string of solar outside lights, and a map of the U.S. with the state stickers. Can't wait to get that up!!!! Elizabeth helped me set up the solar lights.I am excited to see them all lite up. Elizabeth offered to treat us to lunch, so we headed out to Greenfield. There we found a little pizza place called Mozzi's. They have a pizza, pasta, salad buffet for a real good price. We all got that, and enjoyed it a LOT. While there, we did facetime with Becca. Andrew and Becca will be arriving on Friday to attend Elizabeth's graduation on Saturday. Can't wait!!!!! Once we stuffed our bellies, we went to Walmart to get some things and then back to Freeda. It was so WONDERFUL to see and spend time with our girl. She had to get going, but we are here for a month and will see her LOTS!!!!
It was so hot out, that after Elizabeth left, we went swimming. The water was cold, but felt GOOD. We met our neighbor, Johnny. He also works at the park. The day HAD been sunny, but turned cloudy. Eddie got right into the water, but as always I was easing in. I thought I heard thunder. Sure enough, I did. The sky got dark and the wind kicked up. Time to get out of the pool. As we were going back up the hill, the lightning started. We took down the lights and put away the awning just in time. We sat outside for a couple of minutes to watch the "show" but it really started to come down and we were getting soaked. I made us a skillet lasagna and salad for dinner. It had only been one day, but it felt like two. Both of us were dead tired and so to bed we went.
We slept GREAT. It was peaceful and no alarms went off. There is wifi here, but again very slow. Eddie called the pizza place that Elizabeth had treated us to, and they have wifi. So we headed over there to work on things and my blog. Their wifi was AWESOME, and we were able to get a lot done. After stops to Home Depot and Walmart, we went home. Eddie got some clips to add a shelf in our "hall" closet to be able to get more organized.
Indiana campsite at S&H campground

Suzy keeping watch
Tuesday June 3rd Eddie and I were busy at the rig all day. He made a half shelf out of wood we already had and that made it easier to be able to store and reach our big mixing bowls, toaster, baggie rack etc... Eddie also started on a new painting. So far is is really beautiful. I hung up our solar outside lights onto the back awning so we can enjoy them at night. We also got our U.S.A. sticker map up and the state stickers on it that we have at least spent the night in. Eddie wanted to put up the one for Illinois, but we just drove thru, so I didn't think we deserved to attach that one yet. 

State stickers on the door
Closer pic of state stickers

This map is something that I have been very excited about and had fun putting on the states we have been to. Really shows how much ground we have covered. We debated whether or not to put it on the bedroom slide, but were concerned about it peeling off. I have seen them on the inside of the door, so that is where we put ours. Now we can enjoy it more, not just when the slide is out. 

June 4th we were woken up by thunder and lightning just after 6 in the morning. I tried to ignore it and go back to sleep, but by 7 it was really going and there was NO getting back to sleep. We turned off the A/C. It was a bit sticky, but bearable. Eddie went to Walmart to get some things while I did the bedding and cleaned up Freeda. Rob and Elizabeth were coming over for dinner, and I wanted everything to look good. By the time I was done, I had to turn the A/C back on. It was HOT. Eddie got home and we started preparing the stuff for tacos. We had such a wonderful evening and meal. Besides the taco's, Rob made Spanish rice. It was really awesome to spend time with them in our little home. Rob came back in from a smoke break, and told us it was really nice outside. It was!!!! It had cooled down and the humidity was better. There was a cool breeze and it felt nice. The frogs were going crazy after all of the rain. Rob and Elizabeth took off, but we will be seeing them on the weekend for all of Elizabeth's graduation fun.
Thursday Eddie finished his painting. It came out GREAT!!!!! He calls it "Las Mananitas" Which means beautiful morning. He even framed it with a frame we had. Cross your fingers we will be able to sell it!!!!!
Las Mananitas
On June 6th we loaded up Suzy and headed for Elizabeth's. She lives in Carmel, about 30 to 40 minutes from the campground. The plan was to make food for brunch on Saturday morning, and for the BBQ planed on Sunday. When we got there, Elizabeth let us know that Warren and Susan (Elizabeth & Rebecca's Father and his girlfriend) had arrived the night before and would be joining us for lunch. We all had a good time chatting, catching up and making deviled eggs, potato salad & quiche. Susan is a BLAST!!!! We had not met her before, but became fast friends. Warren and Eddie were VERY good boys and did NOT attack the deviled eggs!!!!!
Warren & Susan with Wig in the kitchen

peeling eggs

We all hung around and really had a good time. Becca and Andrew didn't fly in until about 12:30 am. Eddie and I took off just after 11 pm. It was a late night for us and we had to be back by 10 am the next morning for a family brunch.
Graduation Day!!!!! The 7th was a BEAUTIFUL day!!!! The sun was out, there was a cool breeze and it was NOT sticky!!! We got to Elizabeth's just before 10 am. Everyone else was already there. It was the BEST to be with both of my girls!!!!! The quiche Elizabeth made came out perfect. She also made a hash brown casserole that was to die for. We all filled our tummy's and then loaded up and headed to the Indianapolis Convention Center.
The ceremony didn't start until 1 pm, but we all went early to get good seats. Its a good thing we did, that place filled up fast. Becca helped Elizabeth get ready. Elizabeth was nervous, but excited. She had worked VERY hard to get here and we are all EXTREMELY proud of her. The lighting in the room wasn't all that great, so getting pictures in there was difficult. When it FINALLY came time, and her name was called, we all jumped up and screamed. That was our girl, the first one in my family to get her Bachelor's degree!!!!!!

Our Grad!!!!!!
Cheering on our girl!!!


Susan, Wig, Warren & Becca
Grad & Dads
Becca photo bombing Wig & Rob

Silly Sisters!!!!

Mom, were NOT ready!!!!
The whole family together

Downtown Indianapolis
Once we were all done snapping pictures, we headed back to Carmel where we  had dinner at Matt the Millers Tavern. Not only was the meal good, but again there was more great conversation and laughs.

Matt the Millers Tavern
Next stop was a Pub called Brockway were Elizabeth's co-workers, friends, and the rest of us all met up. Eddie and I didn't stay long. It had been a VERY busy and exciting day. Us two old farts were ready to crawl in our bed and kick back. The last two days had been full and long, and tomorrow was another busy one. The evening was so nice, we drove home with the top down and got there before dark.
Sunday were expected between noon and 1 pm back at Rob and Elizabeth's for a BBQ. We got there at 12:30, and again the last to arrive. Andrew and Becca were staying at the Kipp/Reeves abode, and Warren and Susan's hotel was only about 5 minutes away. Eddie and I were the furthest away. There is a nice little picnic area just down stairs from their apartment that they had all set up. Rob was the chef, and Elizabeth was the hostess with the mostest!!!!! Although it had rained earlier, it was nice out. There was lots of food, and it was all super yummy.
Wig, Andrew, Rob & Warren

Group shot

My Honey bunch

Rob, Andrew & a thirsty Elizabeth

Susan, Warren, Rob and our grad

Soon to be married couple

Love birds!!!!!

It got pretty warm out, so after eating and cleaning up, everyone moseyed on over to the pool. It was a bit cool, but the water did feel good. Not everyone was brave enough to get in, but most of us did put our feet in to cool off.
Elizabeth & her friend Kendra

Elizabeth, Becca & Kaylie (Kendra's daughter)

Andrew & Wig

Andrew & Elizabeth again

Kendra and her "melons"

Rob & Susan

Becca braving the water

that is the "21 and over" watermelon

Darkening sky

The sky started to get dark, and it was time for Becca  and Andrew to get ready to go. We all said our goodbye's to them. Elizabeth took them to the airport while the rest of us got ready to go our different ways. Warren and Susan were heading south the next day. Eddie and I hung around for a bit to take advantage of Rob and Wig's wifi. It seems so quiet and sad once everyone was gone. We will all be meeting up again in September for Andrew and Becca's wedding. If that will be anything like this, it will be another GREAT time with our family and friends. Like Eddie said the night after the graduation, it is a crazy family, but it is ours and we LOVE it!!!!!!
Well normally I wait for a couple of weeks before I post, but so much has happened that I think I will go ahead and get this one out now. Please take care and be good to each other. Remember you are always in our thoughts and prayers!!!
Love, Eddie, Darlanne & Suzy.

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